Blogger Widgets APEX INSTITUTE : Mole concept

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mole concept

Mole Quiz

"The Mole" Module

(1) The mole is also referred to as:

(a) Avogadro's number

(b) Bohr's number

(c) Cannizzaro's number

(d) Loschmidt's number

(2) What number does the mole represent?

(a) 12

(b) 6 x 1022

(c) 6.02 x 1023

(d) 60.2 x 1023

(3) The concept of the mole says that:

(a) in a defined mass of an element there is a precise number of atoms

(b) in a defined mass of an element there is a precise number of compounds

(c) in the atomic weight of an element there is one atom

(d) none of the choices

(4) How many silicon atoms are there in 28.09 g of Si?

(a) 1

(b) 1.204 x 1024

(c) 28.01

(d) 6.02 x 1023

(5) How do you calculate the molecular weight of a compound?

(a) by dividing the weight of atoms of the compound

(b) by multiplying the weight of atoms of the compound

(c) by subtracting the weight of atoms of the compound

(d) by summing the atomic weights of elements in that compound

(6) What is the molecular weight of CO2?

(a) 28.01

(b) 32.00

(c) 44.01

(d) 72.08

(7) Which one of the following has the same number of moles as 28.02 g of nitrogen?

(a) 19 g of potassium

(b) 23.0 g of potassium

(c) 24.01 g of magnesium

(d) 36.02 g of water

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