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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Download Free AIPMT BIOLOGY study material

NATURE  &  SCOPE  OF BIOLOGY                  EXERCISE-1
1.In  ancient India which of the following is regarded as God of Medicine ?
          (1)  Susruta           (2)  Charaka
          (3)  Dhanvantari              (4)   Atreya
2.       Who was the first physician in ancient India who developed the concept of digestion, metabolism and immunity ?
(1)  Atreya                       (2)  Charaka
          (3)  Agnivesa                    (4) Susruta
3.       Which of the following is regarded as Father of surgery?
        (1)  Andreas            (2)  William Harvey
          (3)  Susruta           (4)  Atreya
4.       Which of the following is honoured as Father of anatomy?
       (1)  Susruta              (2)  William Harvey
          (3) Andreas  Vesalius       (4)   Atreya

5.       A plant classified as dicot but without visible cotyledon is:-
        (1)  Cuscta                        (2)  Charaka
          (3)  Drosera                     (4)   Dionaea

6.       Science dealing with nose and olfactory organs is
        (1)  Rhinology           (2) Radiology
          (3)  Dermatology              (4) Kinesiology

7.       The physical sufferings are often caused by bad deeds in the previous birth. It may be called:-
        (1)  Serenidipty                 (2)  Teleology
          (3)  Control experiment    (4)  Hypothesis

8.       Herpetology is study of:-
       (1) Reptiles and amphibians
(3) Helminths                  (4)  Mammals
9.  Lightest wood is:-
          (1)  Tectona                     (2) Morus
          (3)  Hard Wichita             (4) Ochroma    

10. The correct match is –
          Scientists             Associated with
          (i) William Bateson A. Rediscovered
           (ii) T.H. Morgan    B. Discovered that
                                         genes are made
   up of D.N.A.
          (iii) O.T. Avery        C. Introduced the
term genetics
     (iv) Hugo de Vries   D.Created        first
        gene map
              A           B          C         D
     (1)             (i)           (ii)         (iii)       (iv)
     (2)    (iv)          (iii)         (i)         (ii)             
     (3)    (iii)          (iv)         (i)         (ii)             
     (4)    (iii)          (iv)         (ii)        (i)              
11.     Match the names of branches of science listed under Column I with the fields of study given under Column II. Choose the correct combination of alphabets:-
       Column I                 Column II
    (Branch of science)(Fields of study)
       A. Mycology           P. Study of bird
       B. Ornithology       Q. Study of worms
       C. Herpetology       R. Study of fishes
D. Ichthyology       S. Study of fungi
                                    T. Study of snakes
(1) A-P, B-S, C-R, D-T
(2)  A-S, B-T, C-P, D-R
                        (3)  A-Q, B-S, C-R, D-T
                     (4)  A-S, B-P, C-T, D-R
12.     Study of nuclcytology is:-
(1)  Neurology                  (2)  Mycology
                        (3)  Rhinology             (4)  Karyology
13.     Chemotherapeutic value of penicillin was given by
(1)  A. Fleming
(2) Florey and chin
                        (3)  Schultz and Waksman
                    (4)  Flemming and Waksman

14.     The correct match is:-
        Column I                         Column II
        (Science)                    (Contribution)
          A. Andreas Vesalius       P. Micrographia
          B. A.V. Leeuwenhoek    Q. De Humani
          C. W. Harvey                 R. Species plantarum
          D. C. Linnaeus              S.  Philosophic   
  E. Robert Hooke            T. Anatomical
   Exercise    on the    
   motion of the
         F. Lamarck                         heart and blood
         (1) A-P, B-S, C-R, D-T
         (2)  A-S, B-T, C-P, D-R
         (3)  A-Q, B-S, C-R, D-T
      (4)  A-S, B-P, C-T, D-R
15.     Scientist associated with Indian Palaeobotany is:                               [BHU-2010]
         (1)  P. Maheswari             (2) Birbal Sahni
         (3)  M.O.P. Iyengar           (4) Swaminathan
16.     Circulation of blood was discovered by :-
       (1) William Harvey             (2) Karl Landsteiner
       (3) Watson and Crick          (4) Bose
17.     Rearing of bees is:-                        [RPMT-96]
  (1)  Horticulture  
  (2)  Apiary
  (3)  Apiculture              
(4) Poultry
18.     Branch of science connected with diagnosis, prevention and cure of mental disorders is :-
       (1) Psychiatry          
(2)  Psychology
          (3) Neurology                  
(4)  Neuropsychiatry
19.     Mexican dwart varieties of wheat were developed by:-                       [C.E.T. chd.-2009]
(1)  Sahani                     
(2) Swaminathan
          (3) Borlaug                     
(4) Khush
20.Genetic engineering is connected with:-
(1)  Development of transgenic plants
(2)  Development of vaccination [A.F.M.C.97]
(3) Gene therapy
(4) All the above
     21.Irrationalfearof disease is –   [AIMS-97]    
(4) Haematophobia
22.     Improvement of human race through improvement of human environment is-                                  [MPPMT-98]
        (1)  Eugenics        (2)Euphenics
                           (3)  Euthenics         (4)Anthropology
23.     Utilisation of living organisms for human welfare is: -                         [Manipal, 98]
     (1)  Ecobiology            (2) Applied
                        (3)  Basic biology        (4) Biophysics
24.     Metamorphosis is studied under: - [B.V.-2009]
     (1)  Neurology            (2) Embryology
                        (3)  Cardiology           (4)  Physiology
25.     Study of human population growth comes under                                        [Kerla-2010]
     (1)  Anthropology        (2) Sociology
                        (3)  Demography                   (4) Geography
26.     Scientific enquiry about life in outer space is :        
     (1)  Exobiology           (2)Cryobiology
                        (3)  Investigative                   (4) Euphenics
27.     In 1928, a scientist discovered the first effective antibiotic. Scientist and antibiotics are :
           [A.I.I.M.S.2000, Manipal, 2000]
     (1) Fleming – streptomycin
     (2) Fleming –pencillin
     (3) Waksman – pencillin
     (4)  Waksman – streptomycin

28.     Choose the correct pair :-
     (1)  Sericulture-Fish  
     (2)  Apiculture-Honey Bee
     (3)  Pisciculture-Silkworm
                        (4) Silviculture-Silkworm

29.     Match the columns [Karnataka-2001]
  Column I             Column II
       a Palynology           p  Silkworms          
       b Oncolohy             q  Pollen grain
       c  Phycology           r   Cancer
       d  Sericulture           s   Algae
      (1)  a – s, b – r, c – q, d – p
      (2)  a – q, b – r, c – s, d – p
      (3)  a –s, b – q, c – r, d – p
      (4)  a – r, b – q, c – s, d – p

 30. Prevention of deterioration of human race through
        reducing birth rate among defective individuals is                
        (1) Positive euthenics
        (2) Negative euthenics
        (3)Negative euthenics
(4) Positive euthenics
31.     Which one of the following sequence is correct:
(1)  Problem, defining, hypothesis,
      observation, experiment [Pb. P.M.T. 2012]
(2) Observation, problem, hypothesis,
     defining, experiment
(3) Observation, problem, defining,  hypothesis,  
(4) experiment hypothesis, problem, defining,
32.     Match the columns and pick up the correct combination: -                     [Har. PMT-2002]
          Column I                         Column II
       (a) Mendel                         (i) Zoology             
       (b) Borlaug                       (ii) Genetics
       (c) Galton                         (iii) Green revolution
       (d) Aristotle                      (iv) Eugenics
       (1)  a – (i), b – (ii), c – (iii), d – (iv)
       (2)  a – (ii), b – (iv), c – (i), d – (iii)
       (3)  a – (ii), b – (iii), c – (iv), d – (i)
       (4)  a – (iii), b – (iv), c – (i), d – (ii)
33.     Study of ants in :-                 [JIPMER-2002]
         (1)  Mycology                    (2)  Myrmecology
      (3)  Malacology                    (4)  Myology

34.     Branch of botany connected with food, fibre and wood yielding plants is :-  
(1)  Suaruta           (2)  Charaka
                          (3)  Dhanvantari       (4)   Atreya
35.     Acarology is study of:-             [MPPMT-2002]
(1)  Suaruta           (2) Charaka
                          (3)  Dhanvantari       (4)   Atreya
36.     For solving a scientific problem which is not correct
(1)  Suaruta           (2) Charaka
                          (3)  Dhanvantari       (4)   Atreya
37.     Science of engineering and technology which is applied to life sciences is :-   [AFMC-2003]
          (1)  Suaruta           (2) Charaka
                          (3)  Dhanvantari       (4)   Atreya
38.     Match the column I and II and choose the correct answer :-                [Karnataka-2003]    
              Column I                  Column II
(a)  Helminthology           p Study of 
(b)  Entomology           q  Study of
(c)   Ornithology           r  Study of
(d)   Phycology             s  Study of
(e)   Phycology              t  Study of worms   
    (1)  a –p.   b – s,  c – q,   d – t
    (2)  a – t,   b – p,  c – s,   d – r
    (3)  a – s,   b – t,  c – r,   d – p
    (4)  a–r,    b–p,   c–s,    d–q

UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE                                        
1.       All living beings show :-
          (1) Irritability                           
(2) Irregular shape
(3) Locomotion
(4) Absence of coordination
2.       Bending of a shoot towards light is :-
(1) Irritability
(2) Healing
(3) Regeneration
(4) A photochemical reaction
3.       Physical basis of life is :-
          (1) Cell                            (2) Nucleus
          (3) Protoplasm                 (4) Food
4.       Fuelgen test is specific for :-
(1) Proteins                     (2) RNA
(3) Lipids                         (4) DNA
5.       Which type of organisation is found in only living beings :-
(1) Atomic                        (2) Mixture
(3) Molecular                            (4) Subcellular
6.       Organisation formed by individuals of a species is :-
(1) Population                  (2) Ecosystem
(3) Community                 (4) All the above
7.       Number of chemicals found in living cell is :-
(1) 25,000                        (2) 2000
(3) 5000                           (4) 500
8.       Which one is a micromolecule :-
(1) Glucose                      (2) Protein
(3) DNA                           (4) Glycogen
9.       Salt concentration of blood is :-
(1) 0.9 gm/100 ml            (2)  9 gm/100 ml
(3) 100 mg/100ml            (4)500mg/100 ml
10.     Glucose concentration of blood for normal body function  is :-
(1) 0.9 gm/100 ml           
(2) 200 gm/100 ml
(3) 100 mg/100ml           
(4) 500 mg/100 ml

11.  Energy currency of a cell is :-
(1) Mitochondria              (2) Golgi body
(3) DNA                                    (4) ATP
12.      Energy transfers or transformations are never 100% efficient . This is due to :-
(1) Entropy                      (2)Homeostasis
(3) Aggregation                          (4) Adaptation
13.     During nerve conduction, electric energy is produced . What is the source of this energy:-
(1)  DNA    (2) RNA           (3) ATP     (4) ACTH
14.     What type of energy is needed to make up the loss of energy in a living system :-
(1) Heat energy                        
(2) Free energy
(3) Light energy      (4)Mechanical energy
 15.    Use of tail as fifth limb by Kangaroo is an example of-
(1) Short term adaptation
(2) Homeostasis
(3) Long term adaptation
(4) Energy transformation
16.     Long term adaptation is :-
(1) Inheritable
(2) Formed due to evolution
(3) Permanent                 (4) All the above
17.   Which organ remains functional for a few
         even after clinical death :-
(1) Minerals           (2) Proteins
(3) Water               (4) Fats
18.  80% of the living material of a cell is made of
(1) Minerals           (2) Proteins
(3) Water               (4) Fats
19.     Sweating is meant for :-
(1) Killing of skin bacteria
(2) Regulation of body temperature
(3) Removal of excess salt(4) Removal of excess water
20. 99% of living system is formed of four elements :-
(1) CHOP                         (2) CHOS
(3) CNOP                         (4) CHON
21.     Ultimate source of energy is :-
(1) ATP                            (2) Sun       
(3) Glucose                      (4) Food
22.     Pox virus contains …………. vitamin :-
(1) Riboflavin                            (2) Biotin
(3) Both (1) & (2)              (4) Transcriptase
23.     If feedback inhibition a metabolic pathway gets ‘Switched off’ by :-
(1) Lack of substrate
(2) Accumulation of end product
(3) A rise in temperature
(4) Competitive inhibition
24.     ACTH consists ……….. amino acids units :-
(1) 8500                           (2) 39              
(3) 4500                          (4) 910,000
25.     Hemocyanin of snail consists of ……….. amino acids :-
(1) 910,000                      (2) 8200
(3) 39                              (4) 4500
26.     The molecule which contain all the information for carrying all the life process
(1) DNA                           (2) m-RNA
(3) r-RNA                         (4) t-RNA
27.     An example of short term adaptation is –
(a) Accumulation of melanin in the skin
(b) The use of stored fat in animals    
     undergoing hibernation.
(c) Dormancy of seeds.
(d) Phototropism of stems and geotropism      
     of roots.
(1) a and b are correct
(2) b and c are correct
(3) All are correct
(4) None of the above is correct
28.  Long term adaptation helps in ]
(1) Evolution                             (2) Survival
(30 Both (1) & (2)             (4) None of these
29. The species which grow on exposed rocks is :-
(1) Selaginella lepidophylla
(2) Myrothammus
(3) Craterostigma      (4) Nepenthes
30.     The largest macromolecule is :-
(1) RNA                           (2) DNA 
(3) Proteins                     (4) Fats
31.     Who pointed out that “Life results due to a relationship of molecules and is not the property of any one molecule” :-
(1) Darwin             (2) Weismann
(3) L. Pauling                   (4) None of these
32. What is the energy required in calories for formation of energy rich bond between phosphorous and ADP molecule in DNA :-
(1) 2000 cal           (2) 7600 cal
(3) 12.060 cal                  (4) 20,000 cal
33.     Homeostasis refers to :-
(1) Positive and negative feedback
(2) Positive feedback
(3) Negative feedback
(4) None of these
34.     Dodo (flightless bird) recently got extinct from :-
(1) Indonesia                   (2) Mauritius
(3) Australia          (4) India
35.     The simplest amino acid is :-
   [B.H.U. 1986, Manipal 1999. P.M.T. 1999]
(1) Glycine             (2) Lysine
(3) Tyrosine           (4) Aspartic acid
36.     Steroid is :-                     [D.P.M.T.1999]
(1) Cholesterol                 (2) Thyroxine
(3) Vitamin A                   (4) Fatty acid ester
37.     Water protects organisms from thermal shock due to its high :-  [A.M.U. 1991]
(1) Thermal conductivity(2) Latent heat
(3) Dielectric constant   (4) All the above
38.     Homeostasis is :-   [C.B.S.E..1991]
(1) Tendency to change with change in
        (2) Tendency to resist change
(3) Disturbance in regulatory control
(4) None of these
39.     Cholesterol is :-                               [B.H.U.2009]
(1)Monosaccharide          (2) Protein
(3) Sterol                         (4) Wax
40.     Maintenance of internal favourable conditions despite changes in external environment is :-
                                                      [B.H.U. 2002]
(1) Enthalpy                    (2) Homoestasis
(3) Entropy                       (4) Steady state
41.     Total heat content of a system is :                
                                              [Kamataka 2000]
(1) Free energy                 (2) Enthalpy
(3) Entropy                      (4) Kinetic energy
42.     A person exposed to cold environment does not show :-                         [D.P.M.T. 2001]
(1) Shivering
(2) Vasoconstriction of peripheral vessels
(3) Increased secretion of thyroid and     
     adrenal medulla
(4) Increased heart beat and volume per
43. Which is correct about energy changes in
living cells                          [A.M.U. 2001]
(1) First energy transfer, then energy transformation
(2) First energy transformation then energy transfer
(3) Both occur discontinuously
(4) Both occur continuously
44.     Animals not possessing a fixed temperature are called:-      [C.M.C.2002]
(3) Poikilotherms   
(4) Heterotherms
45.     Which one is incorrect :-
[C.E.T. Chd. 2002]
(1) New individuals replace the dead ones
(2) Homeostasis produces a self regulated s      teady state
(3) Most homeostatic mechanisms operate through feed-back systems
(4) Cell obtains instructions for division from a hereditary protein
1.       The study of the energy transfer and relationships between all living organisms is known as :                  [JHARKHAND -2000]
(1) Thermodynamics                  (2) Bioenergetics
(3) Kinetic energy             (4)1st December
2.       On which day we celebrate malarial day ?
(1) 5th  June                             (2) 15th August
(3) 20th  October             (4) Spencer
3.       ‘Philosophic zoologique’ was written by :
           [UP CPMT-2001, BIHAR-03]
(1) Lamarck                    
(2) de Vries
(3) Mendal                      
(4) Spencer
4.       The book ‘Micrographia’ was written by :
(1) Huxley                      
(2) Robert Hooke
(3) Fritsch                      
(4) J.D.Hooker
5.       5th  June is celebrated as   [UP CPMT-2002]
(1) World forest day
(2) World environment day
(3)  World red cross day
(4) World food day
6.       Study of environment and animal relation is                                       [UP CPMT-2002]
(1) Ecosystem                  (2) phytosociology
(3) Biotic community    (4) Ecology
7.       Which of the following is connecting link between reptiles and birds?
                                                    [UP CPMT-2002]
(1) Archaeopterix   (2) Euglena
(3) Neopiline          (4) Latimeria
8.       Cuscuta is a                     [UP CPMT-2003]
(1) Parasitic plant (2) Symbiotic
(3) Predator           (4) Decomposer
9.       Which organism was used by Beadle and Tatum to proposed one gene-one enzyme hypothesis?                      [UP CPMT-2004]
(1) E. coli                         (2) Nostoc
(3) Drosophila                   (4) Neurospora
10.     Pangenesis hypothesis was proposed by:
                                                 [MP PMT-2001]
(1) Weismann                 
(2) Gelton
(3) Wagner            
(4) Darwin
11.     World AID’s day is organised every year on:             
[MP PMT-2002]
(1) 1st  December   (2) 6th December
(3) 15th  December (4) 31st December

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